Terry Saunders
My name is Terry Saunders. My wife, Toni, and I moved to Parkway Village in 1983 and never left. We raised our daughter Margaret, 4 dogs and 2 cats here. I have served as a member of the current Board of Directors since October of 2021. We inherited a chaotic and perilous financial situation and grandiose plans to erect another building with no plans on how to pay for it. Meanwhile, the existing buildings continued to deteriorate. The Climate Change Slate canceled the new building, other pie in the sky plans and stabilized the coop’s finances. The window replacement and roof repair projects, both inherited in progress, were completed expeditiously. The buildings were power washed, the playgrounds were finally rehabilitated, and the roads finally repaved. Our Village looks more beautiful than it has since we moved here, and more significantly the value of our investments has soared.
Much still needs to be done and we, the Climate Change Slate are committed to getting it done. Please cast your votes for Fernando Cruz, Shari Ferguson, Sharon Ng, Patricia Baker, Lynette Rodriguez and Terry Saunders.